About Scribe

Our vision is to provide perfect recall of every memory.

Your body will fail you.

I experienced this personally when I started to go deaf at the age of 30. Losing one of my senses at a relatively young age humbled me. Eventually, I tried wearing a hearing aid. It was magical. I could hear again. I felt reborn.

A few years later, I discovered I had aphantasia, the inability to visualize mental images. It turns out that this inability makes it difficult to remember things. As I did more research on memory I discovered I wasn't alone — studies have shown we forget 90% of what happened just one week ago.

If forgetting is such a common problem, why isn't there a memory aid that augments our memory the same way a hearing aid augments our hearing?

This question is why we built Scribe. Our product strives to deliver the same magical experience I felt when I tried on my first hearing aid, but for memory instead.

Our vision is to provide perfect recall of every memory. The first step toward this vision is a product that transforms meetings into instantly searchable and shareable video & text. From this starting point, we will expand and offer products that will help you recall any memory you've ever had.

In order to achieve our vision, our top priority is to deeply empathize with you, our customer, and to build a product that delights and inspires you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do so.

- Dan Siroker (Founder & CEO)


We are well-funded and our investors include (in alphabetical order):

Forgetting Sucks

Remembering the important stuff doesn't have to be painful.

people on video calls are
Work Goes Remote

Videoconferencing explodes

We now spend nearly one-third of our workdays on camera and 38% of workers say they have experienced call fatigue.

One-in-five professionals reported that "they are actively listening and providing live feedback."

Recently, on a popular anonymous network for professionals, a user at VMware posted a poll to gauge general engagement on video calls. The poll titled, "How engaged are you in most work meetings?" was answered by 4,600 users, and 6,123 provided additional commentary on their personal experiences during these meetings. One-in-five professionals reported that "they are actively listening and providing live feedback."

About one-quarter (26%) said that they were "doing other stuff" during the meeting and "simply listening for their name" to be called.

Another one-quarter (27%) reported that they are "trying to pay attention, but often zoning out."

26% Doing other stuff
27% Zoning out

How can you address these troubling statistics —

Stop Rehashing — Rehashing the same topic over and over again kills time and motivation. Make sure to get everyone caught up before the next meeting.

Centralize notes & highlights — Not only does this allow people to catch up with their teammates, but it also creates additional resources that add to the knowledge capital of your organization.

The Forgetting Curve

90% is forgotten within a week

Research on The Forgetting Curve has shown that on average we forget 90% of what we learn within a week. And, distractions can accelerate forgetting.

Forgetting Curve

Percent (%) retained over time

The concept known as the “forgetting curve” hypothesizes that we lose information a a startling rate. The forgetting curve is exponential after the first session, meaning that in the first 7 days after exposure to content, we forget up to 90% of it.

Even memories that are strong at first are fated to be forgotten. As any teacher or student knows, you need to be actively listening to retain information — and distractions like note taking can actually prevent you from being fully focused. Things that pull your focus away, even for a second, need to be switched off and out of your hands. Put the pencil, pen, phone & paper down. Be present and listen to the speaker.

To remember more, you must practice the art of "active listening."  Active listening requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said. Critical active listening skills include paying attention, withholding judgment, reflecting, clarifying, summarizing, and sharing.

Active listening takes practice, focus, and your full attention. When you’re on your next call, let Scribe handle the note-taking so you can brush up on those active listening skills — and remember more.

Buried in Recordings

The recordings keep piling up

What would happen if you recorded every one of your meetings over the next month? What tools do you have in place to prevent getting buried in information overload?

What will you do when you have one, five, twelve or even 32,320 recordings of past meetings?

In a normal year, time spent in meetings increases by 8% to 10%, but in 2020 (on Zoom) we collectively met for over two trillion minutes — a huge increase of over 2,000%. As our world shifts to remote video calls, you probably have seen a corresponding increase in your own time spent in meetings that would lead to your pile of recordings growing at an alarming rate. What should you do?

Imagine having 32,320 call recordings. What tools can help you make use of that pile of data?

Transcripts — Hopefully you have transcriptions for each of those meetings — allowing you to read through what was said.

Speaker Identification — Knowing who was in the meeting would help you filter for your meeting history with a person or group of people — allowing you to refresh your memory before the next meeting.

Skim Search — Organizing the transcripts into a single searchable, filterable, and skimmable view would help you skim through all 32,320 calls in a chronological order — allowing you to avoid hunting around for information by opening & closing multiple tabs or files (which is infuriating).

Make the most of your recordings instead of being crushed under a mountain of data. Try Scribe.

Customer love

What are people saying about us?

“Fantastic, this product has really helped our team and business get to market”
Sarah Smith
Lead Developer, Flowbase
“Fantastic, this product has really helped our team and business get to market”
Sarah Smith
Lead Developer, Flowbase
“Fantastic, this product has really helped our team and business get to market”
Sarah Smith
Lead Developer, Flowbase